Mike Lelm
2016 Congregational Chairman
Mike is married to Kathy (a teacher at Christ Lutheran) since 1974…He was baptized the night of their wedding rehearsalat Christ.
Mike was raised in public housing by his divorced mom,who worked as alaundress to support the fami y. She sow the need to send her chi dren to Sunday School. He gives credit to Kathy and the Roth family for coming to faith at Christ Lutheran.
Mike has just begun his retirement from Caterpillar and plans to spend his time with family and friends as well as serving in various capacities here at church. Ask him about his special ‘road trip’.
When asked where he sees our church in 5 years and beyond,he responds that he thinks that we willbe able to mainta n our membership,mostly through family generations,continuing to be a beacon to others on Peoria’s South Side.
Favorite hymn…..HOW GREAT THOU ART (always brings a tear) Favorite Bible passage….Isaiah 41:10 FEAR NOT